This past weekend I put on my big girl pants and
took myself to a creative experience (with other people...who are also writers, artists...and editors–oh my!).
I know, I know, this doesn't sound like a big
deal. But, when you consider that the last in-person SCBWI event I've been to
was, dare I say it, over 3 years ago, and that most of my writing community
social interactions have taken place online since then, this is a pretty big
step for me.
There are a lot of reasons why this is. I move a
lot so it is hard to establish a home base writing community. I've also been
under the weather health-wise for a while and so it's been hard to get out
regularly to meet with people. And, last but not least, I have the best
darn-tootin' online critique group in the world, my crit buddies the
Writing is my life, and I do it at home.
So, when it comes to my writing life, I don't
get out much. It’s easy to forget how important it is go out, talk to people
face-to-face, discuss what you love, and plain old play.
When we write, draw, or create in any fashion,
we are channeling ideas and bringing them into fruition. This mining for gold
unearths some incredible things. But constantly taking these ideas out and putting
them on the page can leave us empty, and if we don't refill the well with new
stimuli, new experiences, and images that we get from going out and
experiencing life, we may run dry.
So next time you're feeling stuck and the creative process has ceased to be well, productive, go out and do something! Body and mind will get a much-needed break. And, you might be struck with just the right idea to get you back in the flow.
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