Monday, December 30, 2013

Another Challenge? ReviMo, you betcha!

January is ReviMo!!!

So friendly writer folks, it looks like I am gearing up for another writing Challenge, as if November crazy write-extravaganza wasn't enough. :-)
When I heard about my super industrious writer buddy, Meg Miller's January challenge encouraging writers to revise, Revise, REVISE those PB manuscripts for a fulll week in January, I knew it was just the thing to get me back in the proverbial saddle. And I don't know about the rest of you, but I have A LOT of manuscripts just itching to be revised! (Hanging out of draws and off tables, clogging up my hard-drive, and sometimes, even haunting me in my dreams.)
And with November's challenges in our tail lights, and in a couple days the holidays behind us, it will be the perfect time to dive in and get back to creative work. 
Personally, I am quite excited! *cracking knuckles and getting ready to work*

So, hop on over to Meg's blog, register for the challenge, and get ready for great pep talks, prizes, and fun. Sign up at:

ReviMo - Revise More Picture Books Week ---- January 12-18, 2014

She's got some great prizes cooked up, including:
*A picture book critique from the Simone Kaplan
*A Making Picture Book Magic Class with Susanna Leonard Hill
*Basic Rate Your Story Year Membership for 2014
*The Picture Book Academy's Grammar Groove Course with Miranda Paul
*A chance to submit to Hummingbird Literary
 *A critique from Miranda Paul  (PB or first two chapters [up to 15 pages] of MG or YA)
*Critique of a query letter from Miranda Paul
*Nonfiction PB critique from Kristen McGill Fulton
*A picture book critique from Margo Dill, Editor 911 (1000 word max.)
*A picture book critique from Alayne Kay Christian (prose only)
*Beth Stilborn's Flubs 2 Fixes Copy Editing Service for 1 or 2 Picture Book Manuscripts and a One-Page Query Letter. (MS should be submission ready. Beth's service is primarily final-step copy edit prior to submission)
*Copy of Linda Ashman's Nuts & Bolts of Picture Book Writing (PDF or EPub Version)
*Signed book and swag from Ame Dyckman

Woohoo, I want all these prizes! But, I will remind myself the virtues of sharing. ;-)
Can't wait!!! 
It will be just the thing to start the new year off right!